Buckham Gallery
The Buckham Gallery is a great place to go and see art. Whether you are looking for local work or the latest contemporary works, you are sure to find something that you like. The exhibitions at this venue are varied and always feature some of the best artists from across the country. From renowned artists such as Robert Huebel and Michele Leclaire to contemporary and performance artists, the gallery presents a wide range of works. The gallery is located at 121 W 2nd St, Flint, MI 48502.
It is free to visit and open to the public. It is located at 134 1/2 West Second Street. The gallery is open Thursdays and Saturdays from 12 to 5:30. The museum is free and donations are welcomed. The reception for the exhibition is held at 4 p.m. on the third Friday of each month. The show features work by local artists who have experienced the hardships of the Flint Water Crisis. Another Interesting Place of Interest
The Buckham Gallery in Flint has been a center for contemporary art since 1984. The gallery is a non-profit, artist-run organization that encourages an open environment for artists. Its 2400 square feet of exhibition space makes it easy for visitors to see works by local, regional, and national artists. During the last exhibit, the museum hosted a performance by Pulitzer Prize-winning Beat poet Allen Ginsberg. The artist sang for an audience filled with people who were deeply affected by the tragedy. Browse around this site
The gallery’s recent exhibition features a collection of artworks by local artists. During the Flint Water Crisis, the city was plagued by lead contamination and the museum hosted a three-person show featuring the works of eight prominent Flint artists. The art show also featured a retrospective of a group of the work of acclaimed poet and musician Stefan Davidek. The exhibition will also be accompanied by a public event to raise awareness about the water crisis.
The gallery has hosted numerous local musicians and writers. They have hosted several student shows at the local community college and Qua Literary Journal. Throughout the years, the Buckham Gallery has also been a host to notable events. In 1985, the Buckham Gallery hosted a concert by the Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, Allen Ginsberg. The concert was well attended by art enthusiasts and helped the gallery grow into a vibrant cultural hub.
The gallery’s eclectic exhibitions often feature artists from all over Michigan. Its artists include Guy Adamec, Joe Bommarito, and John Dempsey. The gallery also featured student shows and Qua Literary Journal launch parties. In 1985, the Buckham Gallery hosted Pulitzer Prize-winning Beat poet and singer Allen Ginsberg. The audience was filled with laughter and tears. Despite the downturn, the gallery’s continued presence in the city’s art scene was a welcome sight.